Friday, December 27, 2013

DartEditor Keyboard Shortcuts 12-2013, from Pop-Up window in Editor

Dart Editor KeyBoard Shortcuts 12/2013
Find And ReplaceCtrl+ Shift + Fa
InlineAlt + Shift + Ia
Open Class HierarcyF4a USE
Show Key AssistCtrl + Shift + La USE
Content AssistCtrl + SpaceHelp
Extract Local VariableAlt + Shift + LLearn
Extract MethodAlt + Shift +MLearn
Quick FixCtrl + 1Learn
RedoCtrl Shift ZLearn
Rename RefactoringAlt Shift RLearn
Run ScriptCtrl + Shift + F1Learn
Save AllCtrl + Shift + SLearn
Search BoxCtrl + 3Learn
Show in FinderCtrl Alt Shift FLearn
Toggle BreakpointCtrl + Shift + BLearn
Open GlanceCtrl + FLearn __
CloseCtrl + WMenu
Manage LaunchesCtrl + Shift + MMenu
Reanalyze SourcesCtrl Alt Shift B --Menu
Who need these __NoNee
Activate EditorF12NoNeed
Backward HistoryAlt+ LeftNoNeed
Maximize Active Viev of EdCtrl + MNoNeed
Close allCtrl + Shift + WNoUse
Format ElementCtrl + Shift + RNoUse
Forward HistoryAlt+ RightNoUse
Generate JavaScriptCtrl + Shift + GNoUse
Next EditorCtrl + F6NoUse
Previous EditorCtrl + Shift + F6NoUse
Quick Switch EditorCtrl + ENoUse
PropertiesAlt + EnterObious )
No need to learn< easy to rememberObviou
CopyCtrl + CObvious
CutCtrl + XObvious
New FileCtrl + NObvious
Open Existing folderCtrl + OObvious
PasteCtrl + VObvious
RunCtrl + RObvious
SaveCtrl + SObvious
Select AllCtrl + AObvious
UndoCtrl + ZObvious

In this table is information from DartEditors keyboard-shortcyts, as they are in the end of year 2013.  Checked two times... but errors may still be...
use them, want to learnNo-Use, or use menu instead.  Many are obvious...
For the case you do not want to memorize them all....
Check, if they are changed.  And be thankful co's this was not easy to do.. lol..
Maybe in SDK-folder there is easy copy of this information...

Here it is in Google-Docs for everybody to see and comment.