Saturday, November 11, 2017

Dawolang version 0.0.1 in GitHub an Pub.

* Small, literal word-based message and command language, that 
eventually grows big, but stays always grateful to dartlang, 
it's little brother.
* Helps in standardizing words, that are used in messages, and 
classifying them to groups.

A: Area________________A:GLOBAL A:INNER A:LOCAL A:OUTER A:WAY =5
a: Activity____________a:STAND a:TRANSPORT =2
B: Boost??_____________B:HOORAY =1
c: command_____________c:TEST c:TODO c:USE c:WAIT c:WAKE-UP-SLEEPY-HEAD c:WAKE =6
D: Data________________D:BUS D:FURY D:PHOTO D:SPLIT D:STUFF =5
F: Functionality_______=0
G: Gear________________G:IDEA G:SHAPE G:STANCE G:VISION =4
H: Human_______________H:ADM H:GROUP H:KING H:SELF H:STAFF H:TEAM H:X-MEN =7
J: Joint_______________J:JOIN J:SHARE =2
K: Kind________________K:KIND =1
L: Lang________________L:MACRO L:RECORD L:TALK =3
M: Message_____________M:MESSAGE M:PING =2
#: ## Dawo-object ##___#:BATON #:LANG #:MILL #:PLACARD #:VALUE =5
€: Coding______________€:CODE €:INSTANCE =2
P: Phase_______________P:RUN P:START P:STOP =3
Q: Quest_______________Q:HOW-TO Q:QUEST =2
q: quantity____________q:ANY q:EMPTY q:HOW-MANY q:HOW-MUCH q:HOW-LONG q:ONLY q:ONE q:QUARTER =8
R: Resource____________R:AREA R:USED R:USAGE =3
Rx: Resource_special____=0
?: ?                 __?:CLIENT ?:FOR ?:NAME ?:QUIET ?:SECRET =5
&: &                 __=0
s: speed_______________s:FAST s:SLOW =2
U: Unknown_____________=0
u: unknown_____________=0
V: Valuable____________V:HIGH V:LOL V:LOW V:MID =4
v: ValueLess___________=0
Y: ____________________=0
Z: Z?__________________Z:ZEN Z:ZACHRA =2

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Program and data files in dawo 0.0.5

code_snippets, learn / copy-paste stuff:

  • aldente_func : Simple functions, including some logical errors. Can you spot errors?!
  • bat_loop : Control flow structure samples.
  • learn_stream_sync : Examples of simple Streams. So. async stuff.

app files

  • base_lib : Develop common properties, that other libraries should depend on.
  • base_struct : Structuring base classes. These two libraries do not depend other dawo files.
  • chore : Start of bigger "job" / "chore" for real-world-work. Imitating functionality of other, bigger, same kind of library.
  • connector.dart Connecting ( as #client's) app - mission - chore together, mediating them. Seeking deep, inner connections of objects.
  • (? dawlib_coll : Resources. Examples and hacking material of Dart collections.)
  • dawo.dart : main file, exports : dawo_src.dart.
  • dawo_app : DawoApp class, handles Missions and keeps out-put-buffers in Map.
  • dawo_dev : Classes and data, that help in developing this package. Helper functions for cl (command line)and screen output.
  • dawo_src : File created by stagehand plugin app. Here it imports all other libraries and gathers some information about them.
  • effort.dart : Human activities, chores sub, main user-activity and presentation.
  • equipment.dart : Controlling material resources for Mission and Chore.
  • mill : Plan: processing commands orderly, all they in row, by given priorities.
  • missions : Chunk of command-processing between app and chore. Caring Chores. Missions keep and process data ( #clay) of their favorite area.
  • rumba.dart : Rumba classes .dance method runs here dawo's control-flow (once).
  • shower.dart : presentations on console, mostly box-shaped.
  • tools : Helper tools, sleep, stamps, lists aso.

Dawo 0.0.5 Connector, version 1, inspirational ideas for learning.

Beginner Dart programmer sketching class, that allows objects to 
participate in #commonOperation, and connect to other objects there.
Project in early stage, a bunch of inspirational ideas, not meant
to be developed to production app. Learning process.
Structure and documents of Connector class:
/// * Usability: 7%
/// * Hist: hkl  10.9.2017  0.0.1  dawo/lib  connector.dart
#name:  connector not nice. change to: ______ ??
Connector is in deeply planning state. pp -mission - chore work 
together in same sphere, and there must be something, that they 
have in common; abstraction layer, in which they must work together.
* Every #little operation is "connector-operation", and connector has
knowledge for all of them and can interact with them.
* Sending messages between objects. Stance, approach
* "Connector-operations" have access to certain up-level variables.
* Using GlobalOpClass might be too heavy.!!
* ADD IS-GLOBAL bool field to Operation-classes.
* Connector classes might have precedence in Mill-op.
Might trig some action in their connected sister-operations.
Find common interests, "I have been here".. follow-me, give-take
Other objects also handle things connected to this. So connector might
be just  a simple message (plea) mediator.
Global op does something
devNote: tracking begins.
//  ***********************************************************************
/*      connector:  very weak idea, how to accomplish this. 10 %
        Not much of this functionality is yet done.
        Name:   #connector is not the right one. Not nice.
        #clients: = app - mission's - chore's

* Get "service calls" from #members:  app - mission - chore; and 
solve them.
* Have rules of privilege for precedence of missions - chores.
* Give TO > mill commands, "work-orders".
* Should have access to class-buffers to seek data.
* Special language #dawolang, to force commands to certain shape.
* #baton : to carry only-one-can-have-at-a-same-time magic thing.
* 1. get command, handle parameters.
* 2. Check command against rules. Take - return - reject.
* 3. Full-fill command;  void obey(sender, receiver, baton, msg, flags)
* 4. Get answer, serve back.
* 5. Mark done.
* Questions:
* 1. Where do connector work?  Is it upper-level loop?
*    ..  or is it available all the time.  No need to wake it.
* 2. Where, how, and why is #connector invoked?
* 3. ?
* IDEA:  All (commands) might happen in #mill. ( an order processor system ).
* IDEA:  #Callback-like service calls.
* IDEA:  #serviceKey #baton, that only one client can have at a time.
* IDEA:  Privilege key.
* MAYBE: Incoming commands have certain form. Classes?  Strings?
* MAYBE: Access to #GOAL aso. variables.
* NOT:  Handle #area #resource #time #money aso. properties.
* NOT:
* NOT:
Properties and methods
///  This class gets same structure base, as other important classes.
///  Connecting clients (app-mission-chore) to work together.
class Connector extends BaseStruct {
  String name = 'connector class';
  String info = 'connecting app - mission - chore together, mediating them';
  String motto = 'do my job, connector, mediates';
  ///  devNote: PLAN: Two fields for to better shape outPut stuff in console.
  String seal; //  like:  ":CONNECTOR:";
  /// emblem can be used in flowC
  String emblem = ':con:X:';  //  or this emblem.
  String indent; // like:  "      ";  3-5-7 empty marks or something visible.
  String clause;  //  Combination of #LANG words in sentence.
  String master; //  Object that owns this.
  // Buffer inside class for output.
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
///  Controlling connectors state, working-condition-state values.
bool offB = true;
bool onB = false;
bool pauseB;
bool doneB = false;

///  *****************************************************************
///  GlobalOperation ?* Using GlobalOpClass might be too heavy.!!
///  var msgBus * Sending messages between objects. Stance, approach

///  #New: #Gear Something turns around this.
///  the sail pivots around the axis of a virtually static mast
var pivot;

///  or: void metro() {}   for putting messages to move.
///  PING, Putting messages in queue or sending them immediately.
void ping(var sender, var receiver, var key) {
  ///  code
///  Members, that are participating in this connector.
///  Member is a class in base_struct.
Map<String, Member> memberM = {};

///  get / collect bindings
///  Processes, that are bind inside connector.
Map<String, Map<dynamic, dynamic>> bindingM = {};

//  Connect Members action to one or many other Members action.
String bind(var senderProcess, var receiverProcess, var thing) {
  //  Idea: Have some binding-models and types.
  //  add / find from bindingM Map
  return 'binding: #one to: #second';
///  Connector base activity, keep list of Members / their operations.
///  devNote: Or should it be something smaller?  abstract class BasePlacard?
List<GlobalOpClass> opL = new List();

///  Join "clients" / Members to opList. placardM mediates necessary info.
void opJoin(Map<String, String> plcM, String caller) {
  ///  Operations register to Connector with placardM.
  //  'actor': 'Chore',
  //  'sender': 'Chore instance',
  //  'receiver': '',
  //  'command': 'Ch-cmd:',
  //  'msg': 'Ch-msg:',
  //  *******************************
  ///  code:
  print('-->>-->>--  :connector:  C:$caller  -->>-->>--');
  print('--<<--<<--  :connector: done   C:$caller  --<<--<<--');

///  Here goes normal init-build-roll-show-done -round. No loop.
///  Method for setting class field values to their run-time-values.
///  Called by: roll.
void init() {
  buf.writeln('---  Connector buffer output initialized  ---');
  //  Set fields values.
  buf.writeln('init done');
///  Method for setting class in working condition.
///  CalledBy:  roll.
void build(String _emblem, String _master) {
  offB = false; //  off-state ends
  onB = true; //   Connector is in on-state.
  buf.writeln('build done');
///  #run / roll method
void roll() {
  buf.writeln('Connector::    $info   :: roll engaged ');
  init(); //  calling init and build methods in this class.
  //  TODO  connector Build parameters.
  //  code for roll
  //  ***   code missing, see on top of this file
  //  code here

///  Method for #Members to take part in common operations.
void rollCommon() {

///  Gives members privileges in common operations..
void sharer() {
///  Presentation method.
void show() {

///  close method
void done() {
  print('Connector::    $info   :: engaged ');
  //  code here
  buf.write('---  Connector buffer output app: done  ---');
  buf.clear(); //  empty buffer
And now section, that handles last small details:
/// TODO Name for next 3 fields might be opTouche aso. /// Solve one unambiguous textual find-decide problem. /// NOTE: might be separate Touche class. String touch(String sender, String key, String source) { // TODO problem return 'solved:toucheStr: '; } /// Search big amount of #clay data for #customer:s key / order. /// .. solve textual problems based on keywords / search in textual data /// NOTE: might be separate Solver class. String solve(String sender, String key, String source) { // TODO problem return 'solved: solveString'; } /// TODO: connector one-time calls must have parameters; /// Sketching one-time commands, coming from clients. void obey(String sender, receiver, baton, msg) { /// #baton to carry only-one-can-have-at-a-same-time magic thing // TODO code, badly missing // handle command / message } // ***************************************************************** /// Calling print/print-to-buffer function from base_lib. /// Getting local variables; Actor and Buffer right. void flowC(String msg, bool p) { /// Call flowServe with #LOCAL variables. flowServe(':con:', buf, msg, p); } /// constructor Connector(,; } /// Create instance of Connector. var con = new Connector('DawoAppconnector', 'Connection operations');
Chore calls this: con.opJoin(placardM, ':Chr:');
///  Testing placardM inside chore.///  Present info for outer process calls.
Map<String, String> placardM = {
  'actor': 'Chore',
  'sender': 'Chore instance',
  'receiver': '',
  'command': 'Ch-cmd:',
  'msg': 'Ch-msg:',

Monday, October 16, 2017

Version 0.0.4 of Dartlang Dawo package is out: 16.10.2017 out. The quest for clarity in the structure of the package, continues. Fine-tuning details in daily basis, and using dawo dev-notes to collect ideas and to track development of work. Stopping in #big areas, and presenting there only screen-full of random demo; that is our work-safe plan. Develop highly intelligent process-system, that is duty for other packages, not for dawo.  Dawo is frames around ideas.  Motto: do not take too big duties to yourself.  Do not get lost in too big system; plan safe heavens there.

3 days before publish went with little changes and I plan to keep 3 days off after publish, to free mind and get distance to pack. Reading meanwhile  actively all kind of programming stuff.  I have enough ideas to dawo for next 5 GitHub update sessions and all they seem interesting and meaningful. Dawo is on the track.

Reading daily dartlang new stuff and talks is very interesting and educating. When you done it for years, it is getting new shapes: goals and phases in learning are more clear, and my vision inside language is changing. More clarity, more speed in reading. And now waiting Dart 2.0 .. 

Dawo still includes  much mess, forgive that, but we really are in early stage. Reading code might be heavy, but each new commit will make it more clear.

It seems to have taken for me years to reach this peaceful state of mind;
1. Be patient, plan "dead-ends" where you can throw nice demo and leave actual production (of wanted action) to other packages that are more suited and more advanced.
2. Trust yourself, and be happy of daily learning.

About 10 improvements are on the table for next, 0.0.5 version. What is subject of days work, is most often question of intuition, and is resolved in minutes, when I study files. Removing tools to new tl-class will however be the first one.  But first I'll take three days off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Nearing 0.0.4 version of dawo; tracking improvements.

N:r DONE Value Effort AREA Vers

#28 D: 0 V: 7 E: 2 pub 0.0.4 'A. Publish version 0.0.4 to Pub 16.10.2017.'
#1 D: 0 V: 4 E: 6 Lang 0.0.4 ' * Fill #Word data to buff. 20-30 items of app roll.’
#13 D: 0 V: 4 E: 2 duration.' 0.0.4 ' * Stamp time / Event-type’
#6 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Flow 0.0.4 ' * Get flow-output’
#2 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Lang 0.0.4 * Seek StringBuffer
#22 D: 0 V: 3 E: 5 dev 0.0.4 ' * Present this map in sort-value order.'

#19 D: 9 V: 6 E: 5 Chore 0.0.4 'DONE * Chore report boxed. Common Op Boxedl’
#3 D: 9 V: 3 E: 3 Style 0.0.4 'DON * Clean rest 7 of files for TODO and Notes.'
#4 D: 5 V: 3 E: 3 Show 0.0.4 'DONE Four box sided in devBox outPut.'
#5 D: 9 V: 3 E: 3 Flow 0.0.4 'DONE Empty all screen outPu tfor to get control on it-'

#7 D: 8 V: 3 E: 3 boxed 2x2.' 0.0.4 'DON Mission report’
#9 D: 5 V: 3 E: 3 dev 0.0.4 'DO Dev-Notes’

#11 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Lang 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Word/ Lang. Create Lang class and methods.'
#14 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 indexedDB 0.0.5 '0.0.5 JSON
#20 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pB 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Give pB -print variables in test-fileparameters.'
#21 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 dev 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Create #Issues list for dev.'
#23 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pub 0.0.5 '0.0.5 6.11.2017 Version 0.0.5 Publish to Pub.'

#12 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 queue 0.0.6 '0.0.6 Use set enum, queue typedef aso.
#15 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Stream 0.0.6 '0.0.6 Async
#17 D: 1 V: 3 E: 3 Placard 0.0.6 'D 0.0.6 Opera - placard. To carry data inside operations.'

Mission 0.0.6 Mission: Switch-menu inside class for actions.

Chore 0.0.6 Chore: Switch-menu inside class for actions.

#18 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pB 0.0.7 '0.0.7 Change all pB (print) val to int 0 2 4 6

Show 0.0.7 '? ? - Resolve row-count / height.'
#8 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Show 0.0.8 * Fine-Print-Map.'

#10 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 add field ??? '? ? Classes: field outBuf. Use in flow.'
#16 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Render ’8.8.8 ' ? ? Render, make all them presentations.

Unknown ’8.8.8 // TODO This kind of data might better be List<List<String>>

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Tracking changes to versions 0.0.2 and 0.0.3 in Dart dawo package.

Development of dawo package 2017 further from 0.0.1 version

Way to version 0.0.2, possible fixes:  Will be bublished to Pub: 10.9.-15.9.2017

1. DONE:  Little roll / render example
2. DONE   Readme file,, modified
3. DONE   Class constructors to every class

4. __e_   Import / export usage unclear. Get all files in one command.
          - is analyzer acting weird? do not show variables (fast enough)

5. DONE   Make Stream-play (sync) / explore file.  ( BOORING! ) no, it was interesting :)
          in code_snippets:  learn_stream_sync

6. DONE   Base structure class that important classes extend
          - includes: - INIT-BUILD-ROLL-SHOW-DONE cycle

7. DONE  StringBuffers to every important class and file for output.
          - this also adds visibility for variable-name

8. _h__  Start: Connector-class; Connect App-Mission-Chore classes functionality in mill-process
         - in this phase this is gonna be very elementary, schematic
         - At the end this is fine-graded and long development plan. ( DIFFICULT :( )

9. DONE created DawoDewTest  class in dawo_dew

10. DONE Add generic lists for every meaningful member
    * like: List<CommonChore> choreL = []
    * add usage later


Version NEXT:  0.0.3 aso.  Plan.

3.1 ____  Active "Rumba" flow / -example
          - app / mission / chore all working together

3.2 ____  Fill generic lists with members
            Use generic lists inside classes for to control their "sub-ordinates"
            dawoApp has: missionL<Mission>
            mission has choreL<Chore>
            Roll methods for them

3.3 ____  roll counters to app, mission, chore, mill

3.4 ____  render ( = test, presentation and quick-note function) to every file

3,5 ____  dev class. dev tester person
            -every file imports dev, and can add dev-notes

3.6 ____  Team notes (List and maps) maybe: in clay_in folder = incoming data
            * not yet clear idea, how this must be done

3.7 ____  incoming data in clay-folder
            * dev data
            * political-data  (test-case)

3.8 ____  outGoing data methods in clayOut-folder

3.9 ____  sketch  base_lib functionality

3.10 ____ separate learnLib with 3 files.


Version NEXT:  0.0.4 aso

Working rumba  is mark for  0.1.0  version


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Publishing package dawo first real version in pub dartlang org

To see own package in pub is glorious, crossdart ( hyper-linked source code ) is deeply elegant to display source code, api docs is behind the link and link to github code, it is all there.Very elegant system, and now it is easy to start using dawo, and further it's development. Dry-publish was good to practice publishing.  A very exciting event all over the place!
    Code is all written about 2-3 years ago, so it is really elementary "beginners code".
     And Dart's package system is deeply elegant and effective.
Picture of publishing event in windows cl window:

One file is missing, I think hist.txt was left in my dawo_old folder. Shall add it here.
Publish event was very fast and I can see my package and all links there in minutes.
Crossdart took a little longer.  Bot tracking additions to pub.
Development line seems now quite clear.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Beginner Dart programmers kickoff to develop a glorious pub package; dawo

dawo package in github renewed;  deleted and pushed again, to get folders aso. right.
Code:    Here are first issues:

Mostly very elementary, simple data, little messy. Purpose is to document beginners steps, when developing a package.  Next: choose where to head, what to take in and what to leave out.

An interesting and challenging journey is ahead.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Small note / short-hand descriptions of Dart Core Api

          Dartlang Core-Api
deprecated           deprecated = const Deprecated("next release")
override               marks an instance member as overriding a superclass member with the
                            same name.
proxy                    marks a class as implementing members dynamically through
Comparator         The signature of a generic comparison function.
identical               Check whether two references are to the same object.
identityHashCode External :  src:  Returns the identity hash code of object.
print                     Prints a string representation of the object to the console.
Note:  4  external source's in object.

Source / explanation
Object: noSuchMethodexternal : dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation);
Object: toStringexternal : String toString();
Object: hashCodeexternal : int get hashCode;
Object: runtimeTypeexternal T: ype get runtimeType;
BidirectionalIteratorAn Iterator that allows moving backwards as well as forwards.
The reserved words true and false denote objects that are the only instances of this class.
ComparableInterface used by types that have an intrinsic ordering
DateTimeAn instant in time, such as July 20, 1969, 8:18pm GMT.
The annotation @Deprecated('expires when') marks a feature as deprecated.
doubleA double-precision floating point number.
A span of time, such as 27 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds.
ExpandoAn Expando allows adding new properties to objects.
FunctionThe base class for all function types.
intAn arbitrarily large integer.
InvocationRepresentation of the invocation of a member on an object.
A collection of values, or "elements", that can be accessed sequentially.
IteratorAn interface for getting items, one at a time, from an object.
ListAn indexable collection of objects with a length.
An collection of key-value pairs, from which you retrieve a value using its associated key.
MatchA result from searching within a string.
The reserved word null denotes an object that is the sole instance of this class.
numAn integer or floating-point number.
ObjectThe base class for all Dart objects.
PatternAn interface for basic searches within strings.
RegExpA regular expression pattern.
Iterator for reading runes (integer Unicode code points) out of a Dart string.
RunesThe runes (integer Unicode code points) of a String.
SetA collection of objects in which each object can occur only once
SinkA generic destination for data.
StackTraceAn interface implemented by all stack trace objects.
StopwatchA simple stopwatch interface to measure elapsed time.
StringA sequence of characters.
StringBufferA class for concatenating strings efficiently.
StringSinkImplemented by ClosableStringSink IOSink StringBuffer
SymbolOpaque name used by mirrors, invocations and Function.apply.
TypeRuntime representation of a type.
UriA parsed URI, such as a URL.
UriDataA way to access the structure of a data: URI.

This table is created in GoogleDocs. Funny to see how nicely Docs/blogger
treats over-long rows of text.