Dartlang Core-Api
deprecated deprecated = const Deprecated("next release")
override marks an instance member as overriding a superclass member with the
same name.
proxy marks a class as implementing members dynamically through
Comparator The signature of a generic comparison function.
identical Check whether two references are to the same object.
External : src: Returns the identity hash code of object.
print Prints a string representation of the object to the console.
Note: 4
external source's in
| Source / explanation |
Object: noSuchMethod | external : dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation); |
Object: toString | external : String toString(); |
Object: hashCode | external : int get hashCode; |
Object: runtimeType | external T: ype get runtimeType; |
BidirectionalIterator | An Iterator that allows moving backwards as well as forwards. |
bool |
The reserved words true and false denote objects that are the only instances of this class.
Comparable | Interface used by types that have an intrinsic ordering |
DateTime | An instant in time, such as July 20, 1969, 8:18pm GMT. |
Deprecated |
The annotation @Deprecated('expires when') marks a feature as deprecated.
double | A double-precision floating point number. |
Duration |
A span of time, such as 27 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds.
Expando | An Expando allows adding new properties to objects. |
Function | The base class for all function types. |
int | An arbitrarily large integer. |
Invocation | Representation of the invocation of a member on an object. |
Iterable |
A collection of values, or "elements", that can be accessed sequentially.
Iterator | An interface for getting items, one at a time, from an object. |
List | An indexable collection of objects with a length. |
Map |
An collection of key-value pairs, from which you retrieve a value using its associated key.
Match | A result from searching within a string. |
Null |
The reserved word null denotes an object that is the sole instance of this class.
num | An integer or floating-point number. |
Object | The base class for all Dart objects. |
Pattern | An interface for basic searches within strings. |
RegExp | A regular expression pattern. |
RuneIterator |
Iterator for reading runes (integer Unicode code points) out of a Dart string.
Runes | The runes (integer Unicode code points) of a String. |
Set | A collection of objects in which each object can occur only once |
Sink | A generic destination for data. |
StackTrace | An interface implemented by all stack trace objects. |
Stopwatch | A simple stopwatch interface to measure elapsed time. |
String | A sequence of characters. |
StringBuffer | A class for concatenating strings efficiently. |
StringSink | Implemented by ClosableStringSink IOSink StringBuffer |
Symbol | Opaque name used by mirrors, invocations and Function.apply. |
Type | Runtime representation of a type. |
Uri | A parsed URI, such as a URL. |
UriData | A way to access the structure of a data: URI. |
This table is created in GoogleDocs. Funny to see how nicely Docs/blogger
treats over-long rows of text.