Monday, October 16, 2017

Version 0.0.4 of Dartlang Dawo package is out: 16.10.2017 out. The quest for clarity in the structure of the package, continues. Fine-tuning details in daily basis, and using dawo dev-notes to collect ideas and to track development of work. Stopping in #big areas, and presenting there only screen-full of random demo; that is our work-safe plan. Develop highly intelligent process-system, that is duty for other packages, not for dawo.  Dawo is frames around ideas.  Motto: do not take too big duties to yourself.  Do not get lost in too big system; plan safe heavens there.

3 days before publish went with little changes and I plan to keep 3 days off after publish, to free mind and get distance to pack. Reading meanwhile  actively all kind of programming stuff.  I have enough ideas to dawo for next 5 GitHub update sessions and all they seem interesting and meaningful. Dawo is on the track.

Reading daily dartlang new stuff and talks is very interesting and educating. When you done it for years, it is getting new shapes: goals and phases in learning are more clear, and my vision inside language is changing. More clarity, more speed in reading. And now waiting Dart 2.0 .. 

Dawo still includes  much mess, forgive that, but we really are in early stage. Reading code might be heavy, but each new commit will make it more clear.

It seems to have taken for me years to reach this peaceful state of mind;
1. Be patient, plan "dead-ends" where you can throw nice demo and leave actual production (of wanted action) to other packages that are more suited and more advanced.
2. Trust yourself, and be happy of daily learning.

About 10 improvements are on the table for next, 0.0.5 version. What is subject of days work, is most often question of intuition, and is resolved in minutes, when I study files. Removing tools to new tl-class will however be the first one.  But first I'll take three days off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Nearing 0.0.4 version of dawo; tracking improvements.

N:r DONE Value Effort AREA Vers

#28 D: 0 V: 7 E: 2 pub 0.0.4 'A. Publish version 0.0.4 to Pub 16.10.2017.'
#1 D: 0 V: 4 E: 6 Lang 0.0.4 ' * Fill #Word data to buff. 20-30 items of app roll.’
#13 D: 0 V: 4 E: 2 duration.' 0.0.4 ' * Stamp time / Event-type’
#6 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Flow 0.0.4 ' * Get flow-output’
#2 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Lang 0.0.4 * Seek StringBuffer
#22 D: 0 V: 3 E: 5 dev 0.0.4 ' * Present this map in sort-value order.'

#19 D: 9 V: 6 E: 5 Chore 0.0.4 'DONE * Chore report boxed. Common Op Boxedl’
#3 D: 9 V: 3 E: 3 Style 0.0.4 'DON * Clean rest 7 of files for TODO and Notes.'
#4 D: 5 V: 3 E: 3 Show 0.0.4 'DONE Four box sided in devBox outPut.'
#5 D: 9 V: 3 E: 3 Flow 0.0.4 'DONE Empty all screen outPu tfor to get control on it-'

#7 D: 8 V: 3 E: 3 boxed 2x2.' 0.0.4 'DON Mission report’
#9 D: 5 V: 3 E: 3 dev 0.0.4 'DO Dev-Notes’

#11 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Lang 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Word/ Lang. Create Lang class and methods.'
#14 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 indexedDB 0.0.5 '0.0.5 JSON
#20 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pB 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Give pB -print variables in test-fileparameters.'
#21 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 dev 0.0.5 '0.0.5 Create #Issues list for dev.'
#23 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pub 0.0.5 '0.0.5 6.11.2017 Version 0.0.5 Publish to Pub.'

#12 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 queue 0.0.6 '0.0.6 Use set enum, queue typedef aso.
#15 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Stream 0.0.6 '0.0.6 Async
#17 D: 1 V: 3 E: 3 Placard 0.0.6 'D 0.0.6 Opera - placard. To carry data inside operations.'

Mission 0.0.6 Mission: Switch-menu inside class for actions.

Chore 0.0.6 Chore: Switch-menu inside class for actions.

#18 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 pB 0.0.7 '0.0.7 Change all pB (print) val to int 0 2 4 6

Show 0.0.7 '? ? - Resolve row-count / height.'
#8 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Show 0.0.8 * Fine-Print-Map.'

#10 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 add field ??? '? ? Classes: field outBuf. Use in flow.'
#16 D: 0 V: 3 E: 3 Render ’8.8.8 ' ? ? Render, make all them presentations.

Unknown ’8.8.8 // TODO This kind of data might better be List<List<String>>